Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hopefull Education & Future in Texas

     I can't help but feel extreamly annoyed with how Education in Austin Texas is being handled. I for one, thought that education was important, I mean, a good education = a great job! Right? After watching the news and seeing that there is a major debt issue with AISD, and that many schools could potentially close, and many positions were about to cut- I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. For one, I think it hits close to home for me seeiing how I am in school to in fact be a teacher. I'll admit my passion was never to become a teacher, but become an athletic coach. Due to a certain bill that was passed some years ago, it is now a credential that any coach must teach a class of some sort. I am all for teaching, but I can't help but question what the future holds for me and other inspiring teachers, and not to mention the children.
    I know that the Robin Hood Bill is for a good cause- taking money from richer districts and distributing it to lower income districts. But like everything in the world it has it's flaws. Growing up in highschool I had many friends who lived in poor neighborhoods, many of them came to school and did well, while others came and screwed off- as if they were only there because their parents made them. Take Johnston High School for example in Austin, after so many low Taks Test scores, AISD decided to close the campus becuase of low ratings. I think it's hard to deal with these situations because you have your half of the school who is there to screw off and waste time, then you have your other half who actually cares about their education and want to do right, so why must everyone suffer the consequences?? 
    I wanted to share this link in which shows how the topic is getting tossed around from the capitol to congress then back to the capitol. All I can picture is Rick Perry running around like a chicken with his head cut off.
  What ever the outcome may be, I hope it is in the best intentions of #1 the school children and #2 the hard working teachers throughout Texas. _ Ben

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