Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pray For Japan

 I thought I'd take a break from government and bills this week and acknowledge the earthquake and tsunami that took place in Japan. As an American my heart goes out to all the families and many people impacted.
 After reading the  Editorial: Japan Crisis I agree with the unknown author, that we need to strengthen our nuclear energy so that another accident happens. The author makes a good point on how many of the nuclear reactors are lying off many coastlines. We can't predict when storms will hit, but there is a good chance they could get knocked out by another disaster. The author also refers to the BP oil spill. The oil well was also off shore and we all witnessed the impacts it had on the Gulf Coast animals and people. God forbid, but what is going to happen if those reactors in Japan explode? It's bad enough that the people in Japan just went through a life changing experience, but they also have to face a battle with radiation. Many lost their homes, and they can't even go outside because of the radiation in the air. Say what you want about "2012" but if I was living in Japan-this would feel like the end of the world to me.
  A rethinking of safety procedures and regulations is needed. Nobody wants to see a replay of the BP oil spill. Whoever may be in charge of the building of these reactors should evaluate all of them to make sure they are able to with stand a disaster. To think that this would never happen in the United States is preposterous. We MUST learn from these tragedies, so they never happen again.

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